Fun GPT – “Dear Santa”

by surfsensei

cartoon of a fish riding a bike underwater, a small crab tries to pinch the rear tyre

I’ve been trying out the abilities of Chat GPT 3.5 (free) to help me draft some copy for an online course. It’s helpful in giving me a starting framework when my mind is tired and I’m having trouble getting out of a repetetive pattern of thought. It’s done a decent job and I can use the text it generated almost unedited this time, a first, for me.

So, as it’s the weekend, I thought I’d throw it a fun exercise just for a laugh. The computer(s) played along. If you have, or somebody you know has, an ambitious pet fish, here’s the draft of a letter to Santa that you could help it write:

[Your Pet Fish’s Name]
[Your Address]
[City, State, ZIP Code]

Dear Santa Claus,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits at the magical North Pole! My name is [Your Pet Fish’s Name], and though I may not be a child like the ones you usually hear from, I am just as eager to write to you with a special request this Christmas.

You see, Santa, I am not your typical fish. I am a Koi Carp, and I harbor big dreams and a thirst for adventure. While my fellow aquatic friends may content themselves with the serene waters of a pond, I have a grand ambition – I want to learn to ride a bicycle!

You might wonder, Santa, why a fish would desire such an unusual gift. Allow me to explain. With a bicycle, I believe I can explore the world in a whole new way. Picture this – gliding gracefully along the streets, feeling the cool breeze against my scales, and discovering the beauty of both land and water. A bicycle would enable me to venture beyond the confines of the pond and embark on exciting journeys, witnessing the wonders of the world from a unique perspective.

Moreover, riding a bicycle would promote physical activity and help me stay fit and healthy. As you know, swimming is excellent exercise for fish, but cycling would engage a different set of muscles and challenge me mentally as well. It would be an opportunity to learn balance and coordination, just like humans do!

I assure you, dear Santa, that this gift will not only fulfill my dreams but also inspire others to pursue their aspirations, no matter how unconventional they may seem. I want to show the world that even a fish can achieve the extraordinary.

So, Santa Claus, with a hopeful heart, I kindly request a beautiful, aquatic-friendly bicycle. I promise to be careful and responsible while riding, and I’ll take every precaution to ensure my safety.

Thank you, Santa, for considering my unique wish. Even though I’m not a human child, I believe in your magical spirit and the joy you bring to countless lives every Christmas. I eagerly await your visit on Christmas Eve and look forward to embarking on new adventures with my extraordinary gift.

Wishing you and your reindeer a fantastic Christmas!

With fins crossed and warmest wishes,

[Your Pet Fish’s Name]

Chat GPT 3.5

Have a good, not too serious, weekend!