Barefoot in the World

by surfsensei

I had hoped for better than this. I remember the early days of the Internet and the idealistic hopes of a genuine flowering of ideas, discussion, perhaps even an improved democratic process and engagement, possibly, just possibly, better government.
The fresh and vibrant salad of fast and easier communication has gone off quicker than the briefly famous lettuce that competed with our shortest-serving Prime Minister for who would last longer (the lettuce won but, sadly, failed to be elected to office). Decaying salad is nasty and unhealthy.
During the last few years, I’ve observed a cultural climate change; a growth of poisoned discourse, slandering, ridiculing and attempting to silence those who hold different views, deliberate and organised falsehoods and misinformation (once the preserve of state TV, Radio and the larger newspapers), on top of the increasingly blatant corruption in business and politics.
In these fevered times, it’s hard to prevent mental anaphylaxis with so many mental allergens circulating, like microplastics in the ocean. I listen less to news programs (especially from the BBC) now, in part to limit my exposure and distraction from things I am trying to achieve.
However, when I hear people giving warnings that some of the ideas and discussions that are about to hear might be distressing, I’m reminded of an old Buddhist saying I heard which I think is more necessary just now. I’ve paraphrased it and added an element:

You can't cover the whole world with leather just so you can walk comfortably barefoot,
You can put a pair of leather** shoes on though and walk anywhere. 

You can also get your feet accustomed to walking on the ground.

Have a good week, free of mental inflammation.

**[1] other materials also available.